петак, 1. јул 2016.

Aloe Vera Forever Living sprej,balzam za usne i pasta za zube

Kao sto sam i obecala,danas pisem o proizvodima Aloe Vera Forever Living koji su me,malo je reci-ODUSEVILI!Evo i zasto...
Pre mnoogo godina zbog zdravstvenih problema sam isprobala proizvode ovog americkog prirodnog brenda i malo je reci da sam bila prezadovoljna.Preporodili su me.Medjutim,nisam imala gde vise nabaviti te proizvode,jer se ta osoba koja je radila sa alojom odselila u inostranstvo.Ali,od skoro,hvala Bogu sto postoji internet,narucila sam neke proizvode koje sam vec koristila kao sto su First sprej(ili drugacije Prva pomoc) i izmedju ostalog balzam za usne sa kojim sam imala dodir prvi put.A sada,malo reci o ALFL proizvodima kako biste imali predstavu o cemu pricam.Sledi...

As i promised,today i'm write about Forever Living Aloe Vera products,which are pleasantly surprised me.Here's why...
Many zears ago due to health problems i tried natural products of this American brand and there is little to say that i was more than satisfied.I was reborn. However, I had no where more purchased these products because the person who worked with aloe moved abroad.But more recently, thank God that there is internet, I ordered some products that I've already used, such as First Spray (first aid or otherwise), and among other lip balm with whom I had contact for the first time.Now, a little words  about ALFL products in order to have an idea of whati'm takling...

1978. kada je osnovana do 2000. godine:

Kompanija Forever Living Products osnovana je 1978. godine u Feniksu, Arizoni. Medu vodecim je svetskim proizvodacima dodataka ishrani, sa godišnjim prometom u 2000. godini od preko 1,3 milijarde $. Kompanija ima otvorene veleprodajne magacine u 76 zemalja sveta. FLP je najveci svetski proizvodac i distributer soka od Aloe Vere. Kompanija posjeduje plantaže Aloe Vera na oko 2 000 hektara ( 20 miliona kvadratnih metara) u dolini Rio Grande, Mexiku i Dominikanskoj Republici. Posjeduje 92 % ukupne svjestke proizvodnje, prerade i prometa Aloe Vere. Na oko 1000 malih kompanija iz cijeloga svijeta otpada ostalih 8%.Aloe je od davnina poznata i upotrebljavana biljka, koja spada u porodicu ljiljana. Poznato je preko 250 vrsta, najlekovitije dejstvo ima Aloe Vera (Barbadensis Miler). Secenjem listova i njihovim presovanjem cedi se sok koji se stabilizuje papajom, a ima hranljivi i lekoviti ucinak jer obezbjeduje preko 250 aktivnih sastojaka, potrebnih za funkcionisanje svake celije organizma. 
 Kompanija poseduje sertifikate
Medunarodnog Naucnog saveta za aloe IASC (International Aloe Scientific Commitee)
Americka Agencija za kontolu lekova FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
Kocher sertifikat, dobijen od strane jevrejske organizacije za slobodno koriscenje kod jevreja
ISLAM Aproval za islamsku zajednicu, koji dozvoljavaju primjenu ovih proizvoda pripadnicima pomenutih verskih zajednica, što znaci da proizvod ne sadrži alkohol, niti dodate sastojke svinjkog porekla kao npr. želatin.
Proizvodi su visestruko nagradjivani od strane velikog broja naucnih institucija zbog svog kvaliteta, cistoce i ocuvanih hranljivih materija u samom soku Aloje !

Na našim proizvodima pronaći ćete sledeće sertifikate:
International Aloe Science Council (Međunarodni Aloe Naučni Savet)
PETA Cruelty Free (PETA bez nasilja - nije testirano na životinjama)
Islamic Seal of Approval (Islamski pečat odobrenja)
*preuzeto sa ovog sajta*

1978 when it was founded by the year 2000:The company Forever Living Products was founded in 1978 in Phoenix, Arizona. Among the world's leading producers of dietary supplements, with an annual turnover in 2000 of over $ 1.3 billion. The company has opened a wholesale warehouses in 76 countries. FLP is the world's largest producer and distributor of Aloe Vera juice. The company has plantations of Aloe Vera to about 2 000 hectares (20 million square meters) in the valley of the Rio Grande, Mexico and the Dominican Republic. He owns 92% of the total world production, processing and trade of Aloe Vera. At about 1,000 small companies from around the world waste remaining 8% .Aloe has long been known and used plant, which belongs to the lily family. It is known more than 250 species, most medicinal effect has Aloe Vera (Barbadensis Miller). By cutting sheets and their pressing squeezes the juice that stabilize papaya, and has nutritional and medicinal effect because it provides more than 250 active ingredients necessary for the functioning of every cell of the body.

The company is certifiedInternational Scientific Council for aloe IASC (International Aloe Scientific Committee)The US Agency for possession of drugs FDA (Food and Drug Administration)Kocher certificate, obtained by Jewish organizations for free use with the JewsISLAM APROVAL for the Islamic community, which allow the use of these products mentioned members of religious communities, which means that the product does not contain alcohol, even add ingredients such as svinjkog origin. gelatin.The products have been awarded several times by the large number of scientific institutions for quality, purity and preserved nutrients in the Aloe juice!On our products you will find the following certificates: 

International Aloe Science Council (International Aloe Science Council) 
PETA Cruelty Free (PETA without violence - not tested on animals)
 Islamic Seal of Approval (Islamic seal of approval) 
 Sprej koji sam narucila sam prvobitno uzela radi bolova u grlu(kojim sam sklona) ali kada sam videla sastav i siroki spektar namena shvatila sam da ga mogu koristiti i u estetske svrhe.Sledi slika kako izgleda i sastav:

 Dolazi u zapremini od citavih 473 ml(ala su precizni ;) )sto je skoro pa pla litre proizvoda, a s obzirom da je visoko koncentrovan,sluzice vam barem 6 meseci.Kosta 25,5  eura,ali verujte mi,isplativo je.U estetske svrhe koristila sam ga kao tonik,zatim kao balzam za kosu bez ispiranja i za ogrebotine na rukama i drugim delovima tela,zatim moja mama je koristila za pukotine na petama,za hrapavu kozu na kolenima i laktovima...Evo efekata:
1.za kosu-ovim sam najvise odusevljena!Svakodnevno sam ga prsklala na celu duzinu kose ukljucujuci i teme.Kako imam masno teme nisam primetila dodatno mascejnje kose.Na proizvodu pise da je i protiv opadanja kose i za ponovni rast,ali ja nemam probleme sa tim tako da to ne mogu potvrditi,ali mogu brzi rast kose!Kako su mi krajevi osteceni,kosa mi je bila nalik slami,ali masnoj,dehidriranoj.Ovaj proizvod mi je hidrirao i teme i krajeve kose bez mascenja,pa je sa malo manje od 1 cm rasta mesecno skocilo na 2 cm!Pored toga,perut nisam primetila,tako da nema bojazni ni od toga.
2.za lice-nanosile smo mama i ja.Mojoj kozi lica je odgovarao.Pore su mi bile malo suzenije,lice malo cistije.Bubuljice su mi se malo smanjile.Ipak,nije imao cudotvoran efekat,ipak sam ga koristila u kombinaciji sa obicnim decijim sapunom umesto njihovim sapunom sa alojom za ciscenje lica i kremom od propolisa.Medjutim,da sam koristila sa tim proizvodima,sigurna sam da bi rezultati bili bolji.
Mamino lice je slicno reagovalo.Njena koza lica je suva,u 40-im,sa relativno malim brojem bora,ali koje su nsto dublje.Takodje sklona problemima sa aknama i mitiserima,bas kao i moja.Rezultat sa mitiserima i aknama je slican,pomaka ima,ali nista spektakularno.Takodje je primetila da joj zateze lice,ali ne jako zatezanje tipa posle pranja sapunom ili tretmanom maske od belanceta,vec prijatno zatezanje.Koza joj je takodje bila jedrija(sto se i videlo) a bore smanjene,cak  one duboke na celu.Nismo primetile nikakve kontraindikacije.Moze se primenjivati i na podrucje oko usana i ociju.
3.za pete i sake-zaista je cudotvoran kod ogrebotina i rana.Nestaju bukvalno za sekundu.Za razliku od propolis kreme o kojoj cu pisati,sprej ne ostavlja nikakav lepljiv niti belicast trag,upija se za sekundu,tako da odgovara i onima kojima su ruke vecito zauzete(kao nama dvema).
4.za usnu duplju-u kombinaciji sa njihovom pastom za zube zaista sam se resila paradentoze na duze staze.Pored toga,nema odvratan ukus kao Paradontax(oni koji koriste ovu pastu znaju o cemu je rec :(   ).
Na njihovom zvanicnom sajtu   imamo jos informacija:

Formulisan na bazi stabilizovanog gela Aloe Vere, Aloe First sadrzi propolis, alantoin i 11 posebno odabranih biljaka i biljnih ekstrakata, a u Forever FRSTU se nalazi i propolis koji ima brojna lekovita svojstva:

        - Propolis povecava prirodna umirujuca i zastitna svojstva gela Aloe Vere na kozu
        - Alantoin je sastojak koji stiti kozu, nalazi se u mnogim biljkama, ukljucujuci i Aloe
 Proizvod sadrži u sebi više od tri cetvrtine filtriranog, stabilizovanog Aloe Vera gela i ekstrakte 11 pažljivo odabranih lekovitih biljaka, cija je lekovitost, u dole pomenutim slucajevima vec dokazana u praksi.
Osim toga, u First-u se nalazi i propolis koji ima brojna lekovita svojstva.
Svi dodaci u optimalnoj formi dopunjuju širok spektar dejstva prirodnog Aloe Vera gela.
Sastav: Aloe Vera Gel + 11 lekovitih biljaka;
Stabilizovan Aloe Vera gel, destilovana voda, alantoin, propilenglikol, tokoferol (prirodan E vitamin), polisorbat 20, imidazolidinilkarbarmid, metilparaben, natrijumcitral, propolis, ekstrakt nevena, kamilice, maslacka, eukaliptusa, gloginje, žalfije, dumbira, sandalovine, Thymus vulgaris i drugog lekovitog bilja.
Zahvaljujuci svom sastavu služi kao prva pomoc kod brojnih ozleda, kao što su posekotine, nagljecenja, oderotine, opekotine, zapalenja i alergije, te je neophodan u svakoj kucnoj apoteci.
Ovaj preparat imajte i u kuhinji i u kupatilu, a nemojte zaboraviti da ga ponesete i na godišnji odmor.
    opekotine od suncanja,
    za zaustavljanje krvarenja,
    bolovi u mišicima,
    grcevi mišica,
    zapaljenja usne duplje,
    deluje umirujuce kod raznih bolova. . .
Nacin upotrebe: nanosite na telo po potrebi, dok ne osetite hidrantno i umirujuce dejstvo. Aloe First, tecna emulzija, u prvom redu pomaže kod površinskih povreda. Ako se kombinuje sa Heat lotionom i Aloe Gelly kremom, i to tako da se najpre nanese Aloe First, postiže se optimalan ucinak ovih preparata.
Može se koristiti kod zapaljenja ceonog sinusa, zacepljenja nosa usled prehlade, laringitisa. Može se koristiti i kao losion za masažu uz upotrebu lufe ili neke druge rukavice za masažu, narocito dobro stimuliše krvotok u donjim ekstremitetima.
Nega kose: sa masnom, farbanom, "blajhanom" kosom cini cuda. Posle pranja kosu poprskati First-om, blago umasirati u kosu, a zatim, ukoliko je moguce, osušiti kosu na vazduhu. Ovaj postupak se može ponavljati svakodnevno i bez pranja kose.
Radi bolje kondicije sportisti ga koriste za ispiranje ociju, ušiju i nosa, za opekotine od sunca, oderotine, kao prva pomoc kod kožnih problema, za regeneraciju oštecene kose, koristi se kod upale srednjeg uva.   U SAD je zabranjeno korišcenje antibiotika u lecenju ovog oboljenja, jer je ustanovljeno da je kod njihove primene, infekcija uva 2,5 puta cešca.
Kod infekcije uva obicno natekne eustahijeva truba koja normalno odvodnjava uvo, a kad ono otekne uvo je blokirano. Sve je uzrokovano streptokokama u guši. Zato se praktikuje ušpricavanje First-a najpre u gušu a zatim u nos. Glavu je potrebno zabaciti unazad da bi First dospeo u sva zahvacena mesta (oseticemo bockanje i u ušima).
Kod ove procedure, dolazi do cišcenja gornjih disajnih puteva zato što First prodire u bronhije i izaziva kašalj koji opušta i oslobada bronhitide. Takode leci slucajeve plesni, odomacene u nosu, koje kasnije može da prodre do kostiju i mozga ili komplikacije kod transplatacije kože.

Za sve manje povrede ili opekotine na koži upotrebite Aloe First. Krajnji efekat je brzo zacelivanje.

Rok trajanja: 4 godine.

Moram da pohvalim  pakovanje u obliku spreja koje je vrlo ekonomicno.Nakon sto se proizvod istrosi,ostaje vam bocica sa rasprsivacem:
 I have to commend the package in the form of a spray which is very economic.Aften when the product is used up, you are left with a sprayer bottle:
 Okretanjem vrha proizvoda podesavate da li hocete da proizvod bude zakocen,prska u duzinu ili sirinu.Prakticno,narocito zbog dece.
By turning the top products that are setting you want the product to be restrained, and sprayed in length or width.Practically, especially for the kids.

Interesantno je da se sastav njihovih proizvoda nije menjao vec nekih 30 godina,i da su pre oko 30 godina znali za danas famozni ALANTOIN,koji je drugi po redu u sastavu.Znam osobe koje se kunu da im je pomogao i izlecio problem sa sinusima i dr.ali ja u tu svrhu nisam probala ovaj proizvod pa ne mogu da tvrdim to sa sigurnoscu.

 Comes in a volume of 473 ml of whole, which is almost half a liter of the product, and considering that it is highly concentrated, it will serve you for at least 6 monts.It price 25.5 euros, but believe me, profitable aesthetic is.In purposes, I used it as a tonic, then as a hair conditioner without rinsing and scratches on the hands and other parts of the body, and then my mom used to cracks on the heels, the rough skin on knees and elbows ... Here's effects:
 1.for piece's most'm thrilled! Every day I was splashed the entire length of the hair including greasy topics scalp.I did not notice additional greasing of the hair.On product writes that the anti-hair loss and regrowth, but I have no problems with the team, so I can not confirm, but I can say that my hair quick growth! How are my damaged ends of my hair was like straw, or oily, the product is hidrant for me.I hydrate and topics and ends of the hair without greasing, but with little less than 1 cm of growth per month jumped to 2 cm! In addition, dandruff I did not notice, so that there is no fear of that.
 2.for face-inflicted on my mother and me.It reduce my pores,face a little cleanly.Acne a little small.However, had a miraculous effect, though it was used in combination with ordinary instead of their children's soap,not with aloe soap to clean the face and propolis cream.But that I was used with these products, I am sure that the results were better.

Mom's face is similar react.Her face is dry, in their 40s, with a relatively small number of wrinkles,but there are deeper.Also prone to problems with acne and blackheads, just like my.Results with blackheads and acne is similar to, progress there, but not spactacular.Also noticed that her face tightens, but not very type tightening after washing with soap or treatment of egg white masks, more pleasant straining.She's skin was also fuller,a reduced wrinkles,even on the whole.
We have not noticed any contraindications.Can apply to the area around the lips and eyes.

 3.za feet and hands-it's really a miracle when scratches and wounds disappear.Spray leaves no sticky nor whitish trail, absorbed in a second, so it suits both those who hands are eternally occupied (as the two of us).
 4.for oral cavity in combination with their toothpaste I was really solved for the long time.Next to periodontal disease, there is no disgusting taste like Paradontax (those who use the paste to know about what it is all :().
 Formulated on the basis of stabilized Aloe Vera Gel, Aloe First contains propolis, allantoin and 11 specially selected herbs and plant extracts, and the Forever FRST is also propolis which has many medicinal properties:

- Propolis increases the natural protective and soothing properties of aloe vera gel on the skin

- Allantoin is an ingredient that protects the skin, is found in many plants, including aloe

The product contains in itself more than three-quarters of a filtered, stabilized Aloe Vera gel and 11 carefully selected extracts of medicinal plants whose beneficial effects, in the below-mentioned cases, already proven in practice.In addition, First-in is also propolis which has a lot of healing properties.All accessories in optimal form complement a wide range of effects of natural Aloe Vera gel.Ingredients: Aloe Vera Gel + 11 medicinal plants;Stabilized Aloe Vera gel, distilled water, allantoin, propylene glycol, tocopherol (natural vitamin E), polysorbate 20, imidazolidinilkarbarmid, methylparaben, natrijumcitral, propolis, calendula extract, chamomile, dandelion, eucalyptus, haws, sage, ginger, sandalwood, Thymus vulgaris and other herbs.Thanks to its composition serves as a first aid in a number of injuries such as cuts, nagljecenja, abrasions, burns, inflammation and allergies, and is essential in every home pharmacy.This preparation and keep in the kitchen and in the bathroom, but do not forget to bring along on vacation.USE:



to stop bleeding,


muscle aches,

muscle spasms,




inflammation of the mouth,

works in a variety of soothing the pain. . .THE USE OF:Method of use: Apply on the body, if necessary, until you feel a hydrant and comforting fact. Aloe First, liquid emulsion, primarily helps with superficial injuries. If combined with Aloe Heat lotion and cream Gelly, and so that is first applied Aloe First, it is an optimal effect of these preparations.It can be used for frontal sinus inflammation, nasal congestion due to colds, laryngitis. Can be used as a massage lotion using loofah or other gloves for massage, especially good stimulates blood circulation in the lower extremities.Hair care: with oily, painted, "blajhanom" hair do wonders. After washing the hair spray on First-om, gently massage the hair and then, if possible, dry your hair in the air. This procedure may be repeated daily, and without washing the hair.For better fitness athletes use it for flushing eyes, ears and nose, for sunburn, abrasions, as well as first aid for skin problems, to regenerate damaged hair, is used for inflammation of the middle ear. The United States has banned the use of antibiotics in the treatment of this disease, as it was determined that in their application, an ear infection is 2.5 times more frequent.When ear infection usually swells Eustachian trumpet normally drained ear, a swollen ear when it is blocked. Everything is caused by streptococci in choking. Therefore, it is practiced blending First-a first in the throat and nose. Head thrown back it takes to get into First we affected the city (you will feel a tingling in the ears).In this procedure, there is a cleaning of the upper airways because First penetrate the bronchi and cause coughing that relaxes and releases bronhitide. Also leaflets mold cases, indigenous to the nose, which later can penetrate to the bone and marrow transplantation, or complications of the skin.For all minor injuries or burns on the skin use Aloe First. 
The net effect is a quick reconciliation has.

 It is interesting that the composition of their products did not change over some 30 years, and that about 30 years ago now know the famous allantoin, which is the second in ingredients.I know peoples who swear that they helped cure her problem with her sinuses and etc.I'm not tried this product for than and  I can not say this with certainty.

 Sledi pasta za zube:

 Next is toothpaste:
Proizvodjac kaze sledece:

Alojina pasta za zube

Aloe Vera je hiljadama godina pre svega postala poznata zbog njenih mnogobrojnih dokazanih svojstava na koži jer sav njen prirodni Biohemijski sastav deluje direktno na bolna mesta tako što deluje anti bakterijski, uništava gljivice, viruse i infekcije a pri tome ujedno i hrani jer sadrži preko 250 hraljivih i korisnih materija za naše ćelije i naš organizam. Zbog svih ovih svojstava koje Aloja poseduje njeno delovanje je još važnije kada deluje unutar našeg organizma, na taj način kao prvo dezinfikuje našu usnu duplju, a tokom pranja zuba hraljivi elementi same Aloje se ugradjuju u mikropore na našim zubima i čuvaju zdravlje naših zuba iznutra, od zivca, korena ka spolja.
Pasta za zube je formulisana je tako da može cela porodica da je koristi, sadrži u sebi samo visoko kvalitetne sirovine, laboratorijski ispitane.
Pogodna je i za vegeterijance jer ne sadrži nikakve životinjske nusproizvode.
Prirodni ukus peperminta i spearminta ostavlja osećaj svežine i čistoće u ustima.
Kombinacija Stabilizovanog Aloe Vera Gela i pčelinjeg propolisa umiruje desni i sluzokožu usta i može se naneti direktno i kada je pranje isuviše bolno.
Ukoliko se dogodi da vas zub inače zaboli, kao prva pomoć će vam biti sama pasta za zube, potrebno je samo da iz tube istisnete odredjenu količinu paste i ukoliko je moguće pastu ubacite u šupljinu zuba ili izmasirajte desni. Bol će se smanjiti a ako je neki lakši problem i skroz nestati.
Ovakvo delovanje paste je jednostavno, sadržaj same paste je stabilizovani Aloe Vera Gel koji zajedno sa propolisom deluje kao prirodni antibiotik  pri čemu će zajedno sa Alojom dovesti do umirenja.
SADRŽI: Visok sadržaj Aloe Vera Gela i Propolisa, glicerin, Irsku mahovinu, Prirodnu aromu Peperminta. . .
SPREČAVA: paradentozu, otkalnja kamenac, gljivična oboljenja usta i stomatita,umiruje bolne procese, neguje i hrani desni, čisti zube, održava svež dah i belinu zuba bez agenasa i hemikalija za izbeljivanje.
 FOREVER BRIGHT ToothgelThe manufacturer says:Aloe Vera is thousands of years primarily became known because of its many proven properties of the skin because all its natural biochemical composition acts directly on the painful areas by acting anti bacterial, destroying fungi, viruses and infections and thereby also the food because it contains nutrient-over 250 and useful substances for our cells and our bodies.For all these properties that Aloe possesses its performance is even more important when working inside our body, so firstly disinfect our oral cavity, and during brushing hraljivi elements themselves Aloe is built into the micropores on our teeth and preserve the health of our teeth from the inside, of the nerve, root outwards.Toothpaste is formulated so that it can whole family to use it, contain only high-quality raw materials, laboratory tested.It is also suitable for vegetarians since it contains no animal by-products.The natural taste of peppermint and spearmint leaves a feeling of freshness and cleanliness in your mouth.A combination of stabilized Aloe Vera gel and bee propolis soothes gums and mucous membranes of the mouth and can be applied directly when the washer is too painful.If it happens to you or a tooth hurts, as a first aid will be alone toothpaste, you just need to squeeze out of the tube a certain amount of paste and, if it is possible to insert the paste into the cavity of the tooth, or massage your gums. The pain will be reduced and if the problem is an easier and far away.This operation is simply paste, paste the content itself is stabilized Aloe Vera Gel with propolis acts as a natural antibiotic, while going along with aloe lead to reassurance.CONTAINS: The high content of Aloe Vera gel and propolis, glycerin, Irish moss, natural peppermint flavor. . .PREVENTS: periodontitis, removes the tartar, fungal infections of the mouth and stomatitis, soothes painful processes, nourishes and keeps gums, clean teeth, fresh breath and maintain the whiteness of teeth without agents and chemicals for bleaching.DOES NOT CONTAIN FLUOR and does not damage ENAMEL !!!

Ja kazem:ovo je najbolja pasta za zube koju sam koristila!Malo joj je visa cena-oko 10 eur,ali zaista vredi!Sadzi 130 gr proizvoda sto nije malo,narocito ako ga koristite prema uputstvu,velicine zrna graska.Zaista otklanja kamenac,paradentozu sa kojom sam se mucila godinama,posvetljuje zube i cini dah svezim.Desni kao i zubi su jace.Ne isusuje regiju oko usana kao neke paste za izbeljivanje,jer ne sadrzi stetne sastojke.Licno sam imala problema sa pojedinim zubima-osetljivost na metal,toplo,hladno,slatko,a kako mi koreni zuba sezu cak do sinusa,klinike mi ne ginu.Ova pasta je duzom upotrebom(posle potrosene jedne kutije) uspela da otkloni te probleme.Ne znam kako,ali taj efekat bih pripisala sastavu u kojem se nalaze mnogi korisni sastojci kao sto su-aloja,prirodni propolis,irska mahovina,glicerin i crvene alge.
Dakle,veoma sam zadovoljna ovim proizvodom i mislim da je on sada stub moje oralne higijene.Smatram da su za blistav osmeh potrebni najpre zdravi i beli zubi,a zatim i balzami,ruzevi i sl.

 I say: this is the best toothpaste I used! Her price- 10 eur, but really worth! It have  130 gr a product which is not small, especially if you use it as directed, grain size peas.Really removes tartar, periodontitis with which I was tortured for years, brightens the teeth and makes your breath freshly. teeth are stronger.No drains the region around the mouth as some whitening paste, because they do not contain harmful ingredients.Personally I had trouble with some teeth-sensitivity to metal , hot, cold, sweet, and how tooth roots date back even to the sinuses, clinics is neadly.This paste is using the longer (after consumed one box) able to remove this problems.I don't know how, but that would effect attributed to the composition of the where you can find many useful ingredients such as aloe-natural propolis, Irish moss, glycerin and red algae.So, I am very satisfied with this product and I think he is now a pillar of my oral hygiene.I consider that are necessary for a dazzling smile initially healthy and white teeth, and then balms, lipsticks and the like.

 Kada smo vec kod balzama,sledi dalje...
Next is the lip balm...

Aloe Lips/visenamenski proizvod!Proizvodjac kaze:

Lekoviti stik - Prva Pomoć

Aloe Lips napravljen je kombinujući sva lekovita svojstva Aloje uz dodatak Jojobinog ulja.
Dejstva Aloje su prvo otkrivena i primećena na koži kod saniranja raznih povreda, rana, ogrebotina, opekotina i svih drugih oštenja koja nastaju na koži.
Samo dejstvo Aloje vere na koži poznato je već hiljadama godina. Egipćani je smatrali eliksirom lepote, a njihovi ratnici su je koristili za brže zaceljivanje rana.
Savremena ispitivanja su pokazala da je ova biljka izuzetna pomoć kod svih problema sa kožom.
Kao što kreme od Aloje koristimo kad nam je koža suva, ispucala, ili oštećena tako isto možemo koristiti i specijalno napravljeni Lips koji nam služi kao prva pomoć i koji je uvek uz vas.
Aloe lips - stick za negu usana sa visokim procentom Aloje u sebi obogaćen je Jojobinim uljem, izuzetno je kvalitetan i koristi se pored toga što neguje usne i kao prva pomoć kod raznih problema na koži.
Idealan je kod niza problema na koži i primenjuje se izmedju ostalog i kod stanja kao što su:
- Suve i spucale usne i koža
- Herpes Simplex - groznica
- Zaustavlja manja krvarenja na koži
- Ujedi insekata, sprečava i ublažava pojavu svraba, crvenila
- Oderotine
- Opekotine veće ili manje povšine, regeneriše ćelije
- Izuzetan je kod Hemoroida
- Promrzline
- Bradavice
- Prva pomoc kod skoro svih problema sa kozom
Aloe Vera Lip-stick zaista ima veliku primenu, a njegova osnovna komponenta u sastavu je 100% stabilizovana Aloja pa na taj način sva lekovita svojstva i sirok spektar delovanja Aloe primenjuju se i u ovom proizvodu.
Najbolje ga je imati uvek u svom dzepu ili tašni jer neguje, hrani kožu i sanira povrede na koži, svrab i crvenilo.
Vec po sastavu vidimo da je rec o visokokvalitetnom proizvodu:
 Aloe Lips / multi-purpose product! Manufacturer says:ALOE VERA LIPSHealing touch - First AidAloe Lips is made by combining all the healing properties of Aloe with the addition of jojoba oil.Aloe facts were first discovered and observed on the skin of rehabilitation of various injuries, wounds, scrapes, burns and other walls of which are formed on the skin.The mere fact of Aloe Vera on the skin has been known for thousands of years. Egypt is considered the elixir of beauty, and their warriors used it for faster healing of wounds.Modern studies have shown that this plant an extraordinary help for all skin problems.As the cream of aloe is used when our skin is dry, cracked, or damaged so we can also use a specially designed Lips, which serves as first aid, and that is always with you.Aloe lips - stick for lip care with a high percentage of Aloe in itself is enriched with jojoba oil, is extremely high quality and is used in addition to nourish lips as first aid for a variety of skin problems.GENERAL FACTS:It is ideal in a number of problems in the skin and is applicable, inter alia, and in conditions such as:- Dry and chapped lips and skin- Herpes Simplex - Fever- Stops minor bleeding of the skin- Insect bites, prevents and reduces the appearance of itching, redness- abrasions- Burns higher or lower surfaces, regenerates cells- Exceptional is the Hemoroida- frostbite- Warts- First aid in almost all problems with the skinAloe Vera Lip-stick really is widely used, and its main component is composed of 100% stabilized Aloe so that way all the healing properties and a wide range of operation Aloe also apply to this product.It is best to always have in your pocket or purse because it nourishes the skin and rehabilitate injuries on the skin, itching and redness.Already in its composition we see that this is a high-quality product:

Na prvom mestu je aloja,standardno za ALFL proizvode,zatim jojoba,poznata po svojim zaceljujucim i regenerativnim svojstvima,kao i antiage efektu,na cetvrtom mestu pcelinji vosak,nevenov vosak,jos puuno voskova i alantoin.Po sastavu cete videti da je to voskast balzam za usne kao sto i jeste.Solidno se trosi ukoliko ga stavljate kao balzam za usne(potrajace mesec dana)medjutim,jedino sa njim sam imala osecaj mekoce usana i par dana nakon nanosenja.Dakle,ne morate ga non stop mazati.Ima 4 gr,standardno za americko trziste.Daje blag sjaj bas zbog svoje voskaste teksture.Sa Freshkom gorom je to bio slucaj dan/dva,ali sa ovim bez problema mogu da prodjem i do 4 dana.Ako ga tako koristite,trajace vam mnogo duze.
Sto se tice sitnim ogrebotina,napuklina i plihova i tu se slazem.Ranice se zacele,a plihovi omeknu i prodju.Mada sam ga koristila u kombinaciji sa AlfaBeta protiv plihova.Ukoliko negde popijete kafu ili vam opadne imunitet pa se stvore groznice i tu ce pomoci,gotovo za dan,dok za promrzline i bradavice ne znam,nisam koristila u te svrhe.I on je svrstan u moju redovnu rutinu.Zapravo,sva tri proizvoda.
 Foremost is the Aloes standard for Alfl products, then jojoba, known for his regenerative properties, and anti-age effect, on the fourth place beeswax, marigold wax, wax and alantoin.On composition you will see that this is a waxy lip balm as is.Solidly is spent unless you put it as a lip balm (it will take about a month), however, only with him I had a feeling of softness of the lips and a few days after nanosenja.Dakle, you do not have it non stop mazati.Ima 4 gr, the standard for the US trziste.Daje gentle glow bass because of its waxy teksture.Sa freshko worse was the case the day / two, but no problem with this can take up to 4 dana.Ako can also use it, it will last you much longer.As for the tiny scratches, cracks and blistering and there is slazem.Ranice heal and soften blisters and prodju.Mada I used it in combination with anti-AlfaBeta plihova.Ukoliko around a cup of coffee or you drop immunity, however, create a fever and there will aid over in a day, while for frostbite and nipples do not know, I'm not used for these purposes in he placed in my regular rutinu.Actually, all three products.
Jako mi je drago da sam se upoznala sa ovim proizvodima i veoma sam zadovoljna njima.Da li ste vi zadovoljni?
 I'm very glad that I have met with these products and I am very pleased to them.Are you satisfied to them?

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